024 7771 7503 sales@jchsafety.co.uk

Work Safely

Working Safely

About the course

Our online Working Safely course is designed for both employers and employees. This online course will help ensure all staff, whether an employee or employer, carry out their work duties safely and are aware of any work place dangers.

Health and safety at work is vital for protecting the health and wellbeing of workers.

Workers have an expectation to go home at the end of the working day, not having been injured, or having had their health affected by their workplace activity. This might sound obvious yet there are hundreds of thousands of workplace incidents a year and many people are killed each year, whilst at work. Thankfully over the last 50 years this has reduced considerably as employers become more aware of their health and safety legal duties. Educating staff in the importance of safety has also had a massive impact in reducing incidents.

Poor health and safety practices have consequences. Not only does poor safety lead to death, injuries and health issues, it can result in imprisonment and heavy fines for those who do not act in compliance with the law.

Key Points

  • RoSPA Approved **
  • IIRSM Approved **
  • Duration: 150 mins *
  • £65 per license
  • Fast effective learning in an interactive way
  • Opportunities to stop and start the course meaning that everyone has the time to learn.
  • Improved legal compliance
  • Effective evidence of quality training
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions

**Our RoSPA & IIRSM approved courses are owned by VideoTile Learning Ltd and distributed under licence.