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Knowledge Share: GP Practice Health and Safety

Jul 26, 2022

Health, safety and fire safety regulations apply across all industries. Healthcare is one area where good health and safety is paramount.

The Care Quality Commission, when inspecting doctors’ surgeries, expect to find good health and safety in place. This includes the practical application of safety protocols, ranging from hygiene control to PAT testing but also includes expecting suitable documentation.

A ‘health and safety management system’ is the term given to how safety is planned, implemented and monitored in an organisation. A sufficient health and safety management system for GP practices, requires them to have an up to date health and safety policy in place.

This should detail a commitment to safety in the policy statement and the arrangements for how safety is managed. In addition, suitable and sufficient risk assessments must be in place covering the known risks for the organisation. There must be an up to date fire risk assessment too, along with a fire log book and a fire evacuation plan.

In addition to the documentation that should be in place, the CQC require evidence of statutory compliance testing. This includes them being able to see things such as fire alarm service records, emergency lighting testing, health and safety inspection records, and water hygiene / legionella testing. In order for a GP practice to be a safe place, all of these things need to be regularly managed.

Furthermore, hygiene is obviously particularly important for a doctors’ surgery. When inspecting a practice it is important that a surgery can demonstrate things such as a clean medical environment; that suitable arrangements for the care of privacy curtains are in place; proficient sharps management; fridge safety; and of course that access across the property is safe for all building users.

As you can see there is a lot to manage when it comes to safety for GP medical practices. JCH Safety can help you to manage safety at your workplace.

If you require any assistance with documentation, safety management systems, health and safety inspections, or fire risk assessments, please get in touch.

JCH Safety Ltd is a specialist health and safety consultancy working in Coventry, Leicestershire and the West Midlands.