Kidderminster school evacuated due to acid in drains (November 2015)
A number of students at a school in Kidderminster reported feeling nauseous and having sore throats which was the first sign that something was wrong. For some, yet to be identified reason, hydrochloric acid had got into the drains when a test tube was being washed out. Thankfully, the emergency services remedied the situation and after medical assessment all of the affected parties were given the all clear. However, this could have led to a much more severe situation with the potential of causing severe ill health.
Make sure your chemicals are stored and disposed of safely. Ensure that your COSHH assessments are up to date and relevant, used documents that don’t just sit in a folder. Ensure that your staff are properly trained and as with all aspects of safety make sure that monitoring takes place. It is also vital to ensure that your property has the correct facilities and equipment. Make sure that your buildings and services are well maintained and suitable for the purposes they are being used for. If you are unsure then it is important to seek advice.
If we can assist you with any COSHH related issues please do not hesitate to get in touch.